The Forza Garibaldi Boat Trip – Saturday 22nd September

On Saturday we take to the River Trent once more in what is our third boat trip. Five boats of wildly differing sizes will be sailing, plus maybe the odd other one which decides to tag along. We depart from close to Trent Bridge at noon but those on board are asked to be in position by no later than 11:45am to ensure we are good to go on time. Please be advised we won’t be waiting for you. Anytime after 11:45am may be too late and boarding will be at the captain’s discretion!

For specific details on the exact boarding and depature points see below.

Once again we have named our boats, this time with help of the #NFFC timeline on Twitter. After much consideration and a public vote the following names were chosen:


Garry Boatles

Radi Majetski

Alfe-Dinghy Haaland

Chris Barge-Williams

Spencer Weir ‘Gonna Need a Bigger Boat’ Daley


The Plan

In an attempt to make things run a little more smoothly and in response to numerous queries we thought it would be useful to post up some information which those of you joining us on board will need to read.

Widdowson & Lymbery Boarding Point

Garry Boatles Boarding Point

1 Ahead of the boats departing we will congregate at Southbank (Trent Bridge) from 9:30am. A breakfast buffet will be served at the cost of £5 per head through the morning. Please be reminded that there is no food available on the boats.

Seeing as we’ll eventually split up into five boats it would be good to get everyone together to begin with. It may also help get everyone to the correct boarding points although your tickets will carry all the information you need in this regard. This early meet-up isn’t compulsory by any means and you are more than welcome to make your way straight onto the boats. But make sure you have your tickets first.

2 On the subject of tickets we still have a few number awaiting collection. You won’t get on the boat without your ticket. If your ticket has been posted but has yet to arrive please let us know – it’s no big issue and we’ll still get you on board.

If you still need to collect your ticket you need to come and find us at Southbank as early as possible, no later than 11am ideally. Boats begin boarding from 11:15am and so you’ll need to leave plenty of time to obtain your ticket and then make your way to the specified departure point.

3 The boarding points vary depending on which boat you are on. The Garry Boatles depart from the moorings directly by Trent Bridge outside Brewhouse the and remainder will leave from across the river on the steps beneath the Wilford Suspension Bridge. The official sailing time is NOON. Please check your ticket and be sure of your boarding point and time.

Foreman & Pike Boarding Point

Majetsjki, Haaland, Weir Gonna Need a Bigger Boat, Barge-Williams Boarding Points

4 We are still getting endless requests for a place on the boat, so much so we could have probably filled each boat twice over. We would if we could. We do anticipate that a few spaces will come free on the day. Some tickets won’t be collected and some just won’t turn up after a heavy night the night before. In this scenario at a very late stage you might find yourself with an opening. We can obviously offer no guarantees but if you fancy trying to grab a late spot then follow us around in Southbank at 11am! It’s worked for many in previous years!


5 The times stated are fixed and won’t be delayed by a couple of minutes to wait for stragglers. Make sure you are ready to board for the boarding time stated. You have been warned!

6 You’ll need to show your ticket upon boarding. You’ll also be checked off on a guest list at the same time. The bar on each boat will be open as soon as boarding commences.

7 Flags, banners etc are very much encouraged.

8 The duration is 2.5 hours and we will arrive back at the original departure point at around 2:30pm. For those not travelling but who fancy watching a big group of drunken fools larking about on boats then we would recommend being Trentside for around 2:10pm, maybe a bit earlier.

Should anyone have any queries or issues then please let us know. Otherwise we’ll see you on Saturday in the Southbank or on the boats.