Your Ideas

Got a stadium display idea? Maybe fancy writing some online media? Or just a flag idea that would look great in the ground.

Get in touch here!


Note to Self

A letter from 36-year-old me in May 2022 to 13-year-old me in May 1999. *First written for an issue of the Trevor Francis Tracksuits fanzine in 2022* Ayup lad. I hope this letter finds you well. You don’t know me yet, but I know a little bit about you. If I’m correct, you are about […]

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FOREST AWAY: Burnley, Sunday 19th May – Fan Guide

The sweeping glass façade offers a perfect vantage point for the owner to look down on what he has built, single handedly. The players have just arrived at the Jorge Mendes Arena, and they greet him warmly but with great respect. He had decided to pick the team today, this game was just too important. […]

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